




Data.gov Home – Data.gov

Data.gov is the United States government’s open data website. It provides access to datasets published by agencies across the federal government. Data.gov is intended to provide access to government open data to the public, achieve agency missions, drive innovation, fuel economic activity, and uphold the ideals of an open and transparent …

U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)

Gross Domestic Product for the U.S. Virgin Islands, 2021. Real gross domestic product (GDP) for the U.S. Virgin Islands increased 2.8 percent in 2021 after decreasing 1.9 percent in 2020, according to statistics released today by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis. The increase in real GDP reflected increases in exports and personal …

U.S. Census data | USAGov

The U.S. Census Bureau provides data about the nation’s people and economy. Every 10 years, it conducts a census counting every resident in the United States. The most recent census was in 2020. By law, everyone is required to take part in the census. To protect people’s privacy, all personal information collected by the census is …

BEA Data | U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)

BEA Data. To find a statistic, or to explore BEA’s data, start with one of the groupings below.

Data | USDA

USDA Data Strategy USDA has an opportunity to harness its vast data assets strategically to improve internal decision-making and efficient use of resources, maximize the impact of citizen-facing programs, and provide the public and private industry with easy access to data that can solve national problems and drive innovation. To learn more, please visit the USDA Data Strategy FY21-23 (PDF, 16 …


新浪财经提供全球200+国家和美国(国家)数据的查询及数据对比服务,追踪全球和美国(国家)数据,打造权威可靠及时的全球经济 …

在哪里可以找到美国的统计年鉴? – 知乎

不请自来,一般中国的“统计年鉴”相当于美国的Statistical Abstract。不过遗憾的是,在2011年为了节省开支就不再更新了。


2017年,美国国内生产总值约为19.49万亿美元。. 这相当于中国、日本和德国等全球第二大至第四大经济体的GDP总和。. 然而,人们普遍预计,由于其庞大的规模和快速的增长,中国将在未来10到20年内成为世界上最大的经济体。. 根据世贸组织对最大出口国的排名 …


外贸邦的美国数据从2000年开始更新,更新至今提供着1.7亿的原始提单数据量,并且以每月100多万条的速度增加,其中囊括的美国真实采购商数量多达854291个。. 美国贸易数据更新较快,外贸邦持续保持着一周更新一次的频率。. (最新的更新日期,可见 数据更新 …







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