Telegram电报群组/频道Metasoccer 官方中文社区简介

Meta Soccer是一个在区块链上构建的足球生态游戏。这是一个全新的体育游戏系统,Meta Soccer将会通过电脑游戏、体育竞猜和足球这三个要素打造个全新元宇宙产品。


MetaSoccer – The first soccer metaverse

MetaSoccer Cash is the secondary coin in the ecosystem. We are introducing a series of changes to restore balance to the scouting system and infuse MetaSoccer with a heightened level of authenticity that fans have been eagerly awaiting. MetaSoccer is a decentralized football metaverse where you can create your own club and generate income while …

Introduction – MetaSoccer

The MetaSoccer universe is designed with the community at its core: 1. The MetaSoccer team will be responsible for developing and distributing the initial assets, but once published, the community will generate new assets which users will use to participate in the ecosystem. 2. The MetaSoccer team will also be responsible for developing the …

首款元宇宙足球游戏MetaSoccer获230万美元融资 | Cointelegraph中文

2021年12月02日 首款元宇宙足球游戏MetaSoccer获230万美元融资 发布新闻 MetaSoccer是Champion Games的最新投资项目,Champion Games是由Marc Cercós、Àlex Fiestas和Patxi Barrios于六年前成立的著名游戏工作室。 MetaSoccer已被称为“足球界的Axie…

Beginners Guide to MetaSoccer |

‍ What is MetaSoccer? MetaSoccer is an online soccer management play-and-earn game — the goal is for you to create a team and win as many matches as possible, against Artificial Intelligence or other players. Your winnings in the virtual field will be rewarded with tokens, namely $MSU and $MSC. ‍ What do I need to start?

【MetaSoccer】你就是足球经理,真正的比赛现在才开始! – 知乎

Hardriver 1.【游戏简介⚽】 MetaSoccer 是第一个结合视频游戏、足球比赛和俱乐部经营的足球元宇宙游戏。 在这里,玩家可以模拟足球经理,通过在平台上交易球员、赢得比赛和获得赞助来赢得MSU代币。 它等于是《足球经理》的区块链版本。 2.【游戏角色 / NFT⚽】 1.球探(向 MetaSoccer 世界引入新球员) 2.球员(球员是比赛的另一个基石,是决定俱乐部成功的关键之一) 3.体育馆(MetaSoccer 世界中的另一项资产。 体育馆可以在家里举办比赛,为业主提供每场比赛的额外利润(用于门票销售)。 也可以租给其他俱乐部) 玩法⚽ 1)基础玩法: 1.Owner:能建立自己的俱乐部并招聘/管理人员、发现新球员、球员的签约/销售和财务管理。

MetaSoccer: How to Play and Earn in the Football Metaverse

MetaSoccer Cash (MSC) MSC is introduced as a secondary token to maintain a balanced economic environment within the game. Its introduction aims to stabilize the in-game economy, diversify reward sources, and ultimately ensure long-term player engagement and retention. Gameplay Utility: MSC is vital for various in-game activities.

MetaSoccer – Introduction

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MetaSoccer | LinkedIn

MetaSoccer | 378 followers on LinkedIn. MetaSoccer (formerly Ephere Football) is a complete fútbol metaverse that is revolutionizing the gaming industry by allowing users to earn, own and freely …

MetaSoccer Academy (@MetasoccerA) / Twitter

El primer canal de Youtube de MetaSoccer del mundo. Soy Ciprian “Chipi” un apasionado del deporte, futbol, finanzas y estadísticas y METASOCCER será “EL JUEGO”



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