





哥伦比亚 – 维基百科,自由的百科全书

哥伦比亚政治是在一个由总统 代议民主制 共和国的框架内进行的,在这个框架内,哥伦比亚总统既是国家元首也是政府首脑,实行多党制。行政权由政府行使。哥伦比亚政府和国会两院、参议院和众议院均享有立法权。司法机构独立于行政机构和立法机构。

Colombia – Wikipedia

Colombia (/ k ə ˈ l ʌ m b i ə / ⓘ, /-ˈ l ɒ m-/; Spanish: ⓘ), officially the Republic of Colombia, is a country mostly in South America with insular regions in North America.The Colombian mainland is bordered by the Caribbean Sea to the north, Venezuela to the east and northeast, Brazil to the southeast, Ecuador and Peru to the south and southwest, the Pacific Ocean to the west, and …

Outdoor Clothing, Outerwear & Accessories | Columbia Sportswear

We Heart Our Members Sale *Greater Rewards Members receive an extra 20% off sale items at www.Columbia.com and at participating Columbia-owned Columbia brand retail stores in the U.S. from 9:00 p.m. PT 2/7/2024 to 9:00 p.m. PT 2/19/2024. Greater Rewards members must sign in to their accounts (online) or present membership information to cashier (in store) before completing purchase.


哥伦比亚共和国(西班牙语:República de Colombia),简称“哥伦比亚”,是位于南美洲北部的海陆兼备国,东邻委内瑞拉、巴西,南接厄瓜多尔、秘鲁,西濒太平洋,西北与巴拿马相连,北临加勒比海,国土面积1141748平方公里,分32个省和波哥大首都区,首都是波哥大。

哥伦比亚 – 维基百科,自由的百科全书

哥伦比亚共和国(西班牙语: República de Colombia ),通称哥伦比亚(西班牙语: Colombia ),是一个位于南美洲西北部的国家,同时是拉丁美洲第四大国家,为南美洲国家联盟的前成员国(2018年8月退出)。 它的北部是加勒比海,东部与委内瑞拉接壤,东南方是巴西,南方是秘鲁和厄瓜多尔,西部是 …

Colombia | History, Map, Flag, Capital, Population, Currency, & Facts

Colombia, country of northwestern South America. Its 1,000 miles (1,600 km) of coast to the north are bathed by the waters of the Caribbean Sea, and its 800 miles (1,300 km) of coast to the west are washed by the Pacific Ocean. The country is bordered by Panama, which divides the two bodies of water, on the northwest, by Venezuela and Brazil on …

哥倫比亞 – 維基百科,自由的百科全書

網站 www .gov .co. 哥倫比亞共和國 (西班牙語: República de Colombia ),通稱 哥倫比亞 (西班牙語: Colombia ),是一個位於 南美洲 西北部的國家,同時是 拉丁美洲 第四大國家,為 南美洲國家聯盟 的前成員國(2018年8月退出)。. 它的北部是 加勒比海 ,東部與 …

Colombia travel – Lonely Planet | South America

Colombia. South America. Soaring Andean summits, unspoiled Caribbean coast, enigmatic Amazon jungle and cryptic archaeological ruins. Colombia boasts all of South America’s allure and more.

Colombia Travel: Official tourism guide

Discover the beauty, culture and diversity of Colombia with this official tourism guide. Find out what to do, where to go, how to get there and more practical information for your trip to Colombia.





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