





⚡️ Lightning Network is awesome ⚡️ – by DarthCoin ₿⚡️

Here is a list of services and cool things you can do on Bitcoin Lightning Network. This list will be updated periodically. If you want to propose a service that is not in the list just send the link to @DarthCoin. Let’s start with this awesome list of services done with LNURL. And also The Lightning Address – amazing way to send/receive sats.

W3CSS Theme ⚡️ | Drupal.org

⚡️ The W3CSS Theme features a footer region that includes three flexible regions. (The total space in the footer region will be divided by the number of regions you filled.) ⚡️ The W3CSS Theme is compatible with Font Awesome 4.7.0, 5.15.4 or 6.1.1 can be enabled. ⚡️ The W3CSS Theme includes jQuery match height. Example: If you have …

GitHub – chakra-ui/chakra-ui: ⚡️ Simple, Modular & Accessible UI …

Build Accessible React Apps with Speed ⚡️. Chakra UI is a comprehensive library of accessible, reusable, and composable React components that streamlines the development of modern web applications and websites.

Ruslan K. ⚡️ – Freelance UI/UX Designer – Upwork | LinkedIn

1️⃣ User research and competitive analysis; 2️⃣ Creating moodboard for the future design; 3️⃣ Designing up to 3 concepts so you can choose the style that suits you; 4️⃣ Making high-fidelity wireframes and immediate testing of the flow; 5️⃣ Creating UI design (with colors, images and text); 6️⃣ Creating a clickable …

⚡ High Voltage Emoji – Emojipedia

A symbol for high voltage, as warns against injury from electricity. Depicted as a jagged yellow bolt. Commonly used to represent lightning, electricity, and various flashes. Also used to represent metaphorical energy and signal attention online. Samsung’s bolt was previously white on a blue square, as an icon for high voltage.

TransformerOptimus/SuperAGI: <⚡️> SuperAGI – GitHub

<⚡️> SuperAGI – A dev-first open source autonomous AI agent framework. Enabling developers to build, manage & run useful autonomous agents quickly and reliably. – GitHub – TransformerOptimus/SuperAGI: <⚡️> SuperAGI – A dev-first open source autonomous AI agent framework. Enabling developers to build, manage & run useful autonomous agents quickly and reliably.

EMOJI cheatsheet · GitHub

☀️ ☔ ☁️ ️ ⛄ ⚡ 🌀 🌁 🌊 🐱 🐶 🐭 🐹 🐰 🐺 🐸 🐯 🐨 🐻 🐷 🐽 🐮 🐗 🐵 🐒 🐴 🐎 🐫 🐑 🐘 🐼 🐍 🐦 🐤 🐥 🐣 🐔 🐧 🐢 🐛 🐝 🐜 🪲 🐌 🐙 🐠 🐟 🐳 🐋 🐬 🐄 🐏 🐀 🐃 🐅 🐇 🐉 🐐 🐓 🐕 🐖 🐁 🐂 🐲 🐡 🐊 🐪 🐆 …

Emoji Frequency – Unicode

Each group contains emoji that have roughly ½ the frequency of use as those in the group above. Thus, items in Group 1 have less than ½ the frequency of 😂, those in Group 2 have less than ¼ the frequency of 😂, and so on. Those in Group 11 and beyond are below median frequency (and less than 1/2048 the frequency of 😂).

“⚡︎” meaning: high voltage, lightning bolt Emoji | EmojiAll

The current ⚡︎ is a variant Emoji (text style, displaying black and white symbols on some old platforms), and it has two corresponding Emojis: ⚡ (basic Emoji without variant symbols) and ⚡️ (emoji style, displaying colored symbols on most new platforms). ⚡︎ (text style) = ⚡ (base style) + text style . The meaning of emoji symbol ⚡︎ is high voltage, it is related to danger …

⚡ High Voltage Emoji — Meaning, Copy & Paste – Emojis Wiki

High Voltage emoji is the picture of a lightning bolt — it is part of 🌩 Cloud With Lightning emoji. Also, it is a recognized symbol of dangerous voltage and it is used as a ⚠️ Warning to stay away. Apart from danger, this emoji is used in many other meanings.





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