Telegram电报群组/频道PFi.Farm 中文社区简介

PFi.Farm 跨链收益聚合挖矿
一站式去中心化 DeFi 跨链收益聚合挖矿协议,并支持预言机、机枪池技术

PFi.Farm 网站:
PFi.Farm 文档:

Home – Practical Farmers of Iowa

Our Programs. Practical Farmers of Iowa works to equip farmers to build resilient farms and communities. Our values include: welcoming everyone; farmers leading the exchange of experience and knowledge; curiosity, creativity, collaboration and community; resilient farms now and for future generations; and stewardship of land and resources.

Growing Up in PFI – Practical Farmers of Iowa

While growing up on a farm in Iowa may not be unique, growing up on a PFI farm is. Tom and Kristi German are among PFI’s first members. Joining in July 1985, the same year Practical Farmers was founded, they were part of the earliest cohort of farmers to form the fledging organization. Grace was born in 1998 into the PFI network and grew up …

PFi.Farm Lite Whitepaper. Official social media information | by PFi …

2.PFi Stake mining pool. The total supply of staking pool mining is 45,000 PFi (45%), which is mined within two years, and the monthly PFi output is automatically reduced by 25%. PFi stake mining pools are: LP Pool USDT-PFi — The first month’s output is 2,000 PFi, and the total output is about 7992 PFi. LP Pool HUSD-PFi — The first month …

Telegram: Contact @pfifarm_cn

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PFi.Farm – Medium

Read writing from PFi.Farm on Medium. PFi.Farm Cross-Chain Vault Mining. Every day, PFi.Farm and thousands of other voices read, write, and share important stories on Medium.

@Lens_CN | Twitter

Welcome | PFI – IFRe

Welcome to PFI. Project Finance International (PFI) has been at the forefront of project finance reporting for the last 25 years. It is the most comprehensive and authoritative publication to serve the industry, covering all the major sectors, including transport, power, oil & gas, infrastructure and mining. Request a trial.

Flarum 中文社区

欢迎访问 Flarum 中文站。Flarum 是一个优雅的轻论坛软件,简约界面回归社区本质。这里没有太多的条条框框规定,在这里你可以谈天说地,可以在最短的时间收集灵感,寻找有趣的东西。

Naoaki Eguchi | People | Baker McKenzie

Naoaki “Nick” Eguchi is a partner in the Finance & Projects Group and co-head of the Firm’s Renewable and Clean Energy Group in Tokyo. He has been recognized for his work on Goldman Sachs’ TOB for Universal Studios Japan, which was named the Debt Market Deal of the Year at the 2010 ALB Law Awards, and on the financing of the 1180 MW Fukushima Soma LNG power project for USD 1.2 billon, which …



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