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⚠️ Warning Emoji – Emojipedia

A triangle with an exclamation mark inside, used as a warning or alert. This emoji is used prominently within social media platform BeReal’s core time-sensitive “⚠️ Time to BeReal ⚠️” push notification. This notification is shown when being prompted to share a photo of themselves and their immediate surroundings, with this notification …

The Ultimate Emoji Guide: Meanings, Pictures, Codes and Cheatsheets

Emoji guide with search, meanings, pictures and codes. Hi friends! Here is a supercharged emoji collection of about 3650 emoji from the latest Unicode 15.0 and Emoji 15.0 versions, released in September, 2022.Each emoji have it’s own page with codes, meaning, variations (gender and skin tones) and pictures for all common platforms.

⚠️ 警告 Emoji – Emojipedia

A triangle with an exclamation mark inside, used as a warning or alert. This emoji is used prominently within social media platform BeReal’s core time-sensitive “⚠️ Time to BeReal ⚠️” push notification. This notification is shown when being prompted to share a photo of themselves and their immediate surroundings, with this notification …

⚠️ 警告 表情符号 — 含义和用法 – Emojis Wiki

⚠️ 警告 表情符号可以在不同的设备上使用 . 表情符号在不同平台上的外观可能不同。每个网络服务、操作系统或小工具制造商都可能根据他们的企业风格进行表情设计。下面你可以看看 ⚠️ 警告 Emoji在大多数流行平台上的样子:

“⚠️”意思: 警告Emoji表情符号 | EmojiAll

当前的 ⚠️ 是一个变体Emoji(表情样式,在多数新平台下显示彩色符号),它有两个对应的Emoji: ⚠ (不带变体符号的基本Emoji)和 ⚠︎ (文本样式,在老旧平台下显示黑白符号)。 ⚠️ (表情样式) = ⚠ (基本样式) + 表情样式 . Emoji表情符号 ⚠️ 的意思是警告,它与有关,可以在表情符号类别 …

⚠️ Warning Emoji, Attention Emoji, Alert Emoji – EmojiTerra

The “warning” emoji ⚠️ resembles a yellow triangular sign with a bold black exclamation mark at its center, often used in the physical world to denote caution or potential hazard. In digital communication, it signifies caution, warning, or the need to pay attention to something important. It is widely used to flag up something that could be dangerous or to indicate that there is important …

“⚠︎”意思: 警告Emoji表情符号 | EmojiAll

当前的 ⚠︎ 是一个变体Emoji(文本样式,在部分老旧平台下显示黑白符号),它有两个对应的Emoji: ⚠ (不带变体符号的基本Emoji)和 ⚠️ (表情样式,在多数新平台下显示彩色符号)。 ⚠︎ (文字样式) = ⚠ (基本样式) + 文字样式 . Emoji表情符号 ⚠︎ 的意思是警告,它与有关,可以在表情符号 …

凤凰签名通知频道 – Telegram

凤凰签名通知频道. 凤凰签名功能:. 1.支持下载页面开启滑块验证.和下载码安装的模式.详情请见应用设置-页面设置页面. 2.闪退助手可以自定义 跳转地址.自定义是否可以删除闪退图片.自定义闪退助手图标. 3.页面展示.自定义打开域名.除了苹果自带的浏览器之外 …





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